Bob Bendick
Board of Trustees, Co-Chair
Director, Gulf of Mexico Program, The Nature Conservancy, 2013 to Present
Responsible for leadership and coordination of TNC strategy and activities for comprehensive restoration of the Gulf of Mexico. The Nature Conservancy is a very large global conservation organization whose mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.
Founding Board Chair, The Network for Landscape Conservation, 2012 to Present
Helped to create national network of practitioners engaged in large landscape conservation supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Bechtel Foundation and others.
Director of U.S. Government Relations, The Nature Conservancy, 2008-2013
Responsible for all U.S. Government Relations activities for the largest conservation organization in the U.S.
VP and Director, The Nature Conservancy Southern Regional Offices, 1998-2008
Supervised a staff of 350 professionals in conserving natural resources across the south. Expanded from 4 to 10 states through reorganizations,
Florida Chapter Director, The Nature Conservancy, 1995-2002
Served in dual capacity as Chapter and Division Director for five years. Responsible for leadership and management of Florida Chapter programs with 130 staff.
Deputy Commissioner for Natural Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 1990-1995
Responsible for management of all natural resource functions within New York State’s comprehensive environmental department including the Divisions of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Resources, Lands and Forests, Land Acquisition, and Mining Regulation.
Chair, The Northern Forest Lands Council, 1992-1995
Headed a four-year congressionally established and funded council of forest industry, local government, environmental, state government members appointed by state governors to chart the future of the northern forests of New York and New England.
Director, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, 1982-1990
Cabinet level official responsible for management of all state government environmental and conservation activities.
Assistant Director, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, 1978-1982
Responsible for planning, budgeting, conservation land acquisition and related activities for comprehensive environmental department.
Director of Planning and Development, City of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 1972-1978
Supervised city planning, economic development and redevelopment for an old industrial city with a population of 50,000.
B.A. with Honors in History, Williams College
Masters in Urban and Regional Planning, New York University, with the assistance of a National Urban Studies Fellowship