Cathy Richey
Outreach Director
Cathy Richey has lived in Winter Park for over 35 years and during that time has been involved in the community with her family. She has been a multi-million producer as a realtor with Fannie Hillman and Associates selling Winter Park real estate for the last 15 years. Her two boys were raised in Winter Park and participated in many of the activities that our community has provided.
As a graduate of University of Kansas with a BS in Biochemistry, Math, and Chemistry she was transferred to Florida by Union Carbide Corporation where she was an area sales rep for Florida and Georgia. After visiting many cities in the Southeast, she fell in love with the magic of Winter Park and made her home. She still finds Winter Park to be one of the most unique and treasured “gems” in Florida.
Cathy has traveled to Europe, Africa and South America. In addition, she walked the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile hike across Northern Spain.
Cathy is an accomplished golfer and was honored to play in four USGA Championships. She is an active member in several golf leagues and loves playing the Winter Park 9, a successful “green space” in Winter Park.
Cathy feels strongly about supporting, preserving, and adding green spaces to the Winter Park “landscape”. As Outreach Director she is responsible for educating Winter Park residents about land trusts, becoming involved in city projects and building a membership to keep the “park” in Winter Park.